why are you acting so cute??? *lolol*
kita sama la...unnie dlu pon x interested langsung nk ambik medic
sebab dlam hati x ad cinte utk medic T__T
unnie pon mnat chemistry jugak...sbb tu dlu unnie nk ambik pharmacy or chemical engineering
unnie rsa okay jek kalau interested ngan small business like cafe *and of course la boleh kembangkn business jadi lebih besar kn??*
tp unnie rsa better you try apply for both
maksud unnie apply course chemistry-related *whichever you like* dan boleh jugak apply culinary atau business *sbb unnie x pasti when you said you're interested in cafe - you meant in baking or just running the business...dan unnie pon x pasti culinary is apply-able utk bakery T__T mian*
tp ape2 pon, better discuss ngan parents first
unnie bleh je bg cdgn dan pendapat...tp unnie rsa better bincang ngan parents dlu
kalu your parents cam okay with whatever course you take as long as you're happy
then you decided on your own *and I wish you good luck for that*
tp ni maybe bunyi cam tazkirah or syarahan or whatever you wanna call it
tp unnie nk ckp through pengalaman unnie *yg x seberapa ni la*
kita bleh wish and dream for our future
tp yg menentukan bukan kita tp Allah
so walau apa pon course or your path in the future
unnie harap you will accept it and percaya itu yg terbaik utk kita
sbb kita manusia sumtimes suka sesuatu padahal bnda tu buruk utk kita
dan kdg2 kita benci sesuatu padahal ia baik utk kita
Allah lebih tahu ap yg terbaik utk kita
unnie ckp ni utk diri sendri jugak - sbb mcm yg unnie bgtau
x pernah terlintas unnie akn ambik medic in the future
so unnie sndri tgh blajar utk trima ap yg Allah bg ni
so unnie wish you decide wisely
and hopefully what you wish for is the best for you *the one Allah says the best for you*
and good luck for this monday!!! *monday kan???*
bykkan solat hajat, doa, kalau blank msa jawab exam selawat la 3 kali *lebih pon xpe*
bca surah Al-Insyirah dan ayat kursi *ad senior unnie dlu dia sruh bca ayt sribu dinar - tp unnie x hafal lagi T__T*
ni la yg slalu unnie amalkan dlu - sekarang pon still amalkn lagi
kalau nk spill apa2 lagi pm je la unnie ek
tp kalu dlm msa 3 hari ni unnie x gerenti la bleh balas *sbb unnie ad trip mlm ni*
tp insyaAllah unnie akn blas jugak
sorry for the crap and fail too
wish you the best again!!!!!
Thursday, 10 November 2011
senior year
uwaaahhhh ari ni hari last aq as f5 student....miracle nyerr aq x nangis pown...classmates aq sume wat drama air mata..tp ntah la..ari ni aq xla sedey sgt...sebb aq xrse pown ari ni mcm ari last...tp bile aq g 'melawat' klas 5B sebelum balik td mmg rse nak nangis la...bnyk nyerrr kenangan..nnt msti rindu...aq ingt lg sume lawak2 bodo aq ngan classmates...segala macam lat. drama sejarah n so on...mcm2 jadi tahun ni..so aq nyer senior year agak gilerr and fun....aq ...wah....aq akan ingt smpi bile2..my best year...aq akan rindu high school life aq especially f5...aq ingt lagi..mse aq kne pki bju punjabi mase musical sketch..ape..ala-ala yuna gitu...pasal ari ni..aq mmg enjoy giler...share jokes ngan makcik hanis...bertepuk bertampar..mohon restu ngan cikgu....mohon restu ngan kengkawan....pastu g makan pizza...smpi 30 hengget melayang...pastu lepak kat bilik kaunseling...layan kpop...survey bidang pas spm...borak2..n tak lupe gak kutuk maz 24:7..mmg lawak giler...kesimpulannyerrr ari ni mmg fun n aq xkan lupe smpi bile2..n aq nak ler jugak mention kat sini..buah yg pn tan bg...aq akan buah tu jap agi..hahahaha...
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